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What is the Palate Reset?Updated 2 months ago

The Palate Reset is a guide offered on our website to promote a reset of your tastebuds. In 7-Days you will “reset” your tastebuds. Resetting your tastebuds allows your body to stop being driven by addictive cravings (like sweets), and instead, your body will re-learn what foods you need to feel your best (think fruits or proteins).  After 7-Days, you will have more energy, be able to think more clearly, and have fewer cravings. Foods you used to cheat with will taste too sweet. Your body will start to directly connect how eating certain foods makes you feel, good or bad. You’ll naturally eat healthier foods because you will feel better. It is a self-reinforcing, positive loop that will lead to long-term health benefits. You can find more information about the Palate Reset here.

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